Drops of Dew
journal of a drifting mind
Conclusion: What did we achieve and where do we go from here?
This is the last in a series of posts on my exploits measuring and squashing reliability woes in the Continuous Integration (CI) automation of the Azure Communication Services web UI library. Other posts in this series: chapter 1, chapter 2 and chapter 3.
Chapter 3: WebRTC has the last say
This is the third in a series of posts on my exploits measuring and squashing reliability woes in the Continuous Integration (CI) automation of the Azure Communication Services web UI library. Other posts in this series: chapter 1, chapter 2 and conclusion.
Chapter 2: The test that would only pass two times out of five
This is the second in a series of posts on my exploits measuring and squashing reliability woes in the Continuous Integration (CI) automation of the Azure Communication Services web UI library. Other posts in this series: chapter 1, chapter 3 and conclusion.
Chapter 1: Your problem is not what you think it is
This is the first in a series of posts on my exploits measuring and squashing reliability woes in the Continuous Integration (CI) automation of the Azure Communication Services web UI library. Other posts in this series: chapter 2, chapter 3 and conclusion.
React reconciliation
The React runtime maintains a tree of Components that maps into the DOM element tree in the browser. External events, such as user interaction, cause Component props and state to change. React assimilates these changes in two steps. First, React recreates the Component tree by calling the Components’ render method1...