Rust is a relatively new programming language and many problems being tackled in Rust have existing solutions in C/C++. As a Rust developer in need of some non-trivial functionality, you must often choose between a Rust wrapper of an existing C/C++ library and a pure Rust alternative. In this post,...

Rust is a relatively new programming language and many problems being tackled in Rust have existing solutions in C/C++. As a Rust developer in need of some non-trivial functionality, you often must choose between using a Rust wrapper of an existing C/C++ library and a pure Rust alternative. In this...

science vs development studies : evolution vs revolution ideologies, theories, strategies. examples of ideologies - normative vs positive; economics vs holistic.

Participatory development refers to the theories and practices in development studies that explicitly include a role for the people served by development projects in the specification, design or implementation of the projects. This loosely defined term refers to a wide variety of strategies to encourage the involvement of local citizens...